Come enjoy meaningful, in-person conversations

“Hart to Harts” is an event where strangers gather together for an evening of meaningful conversations at a booked venue in Seattle—you will always be seated with a group of 3 to 5 people! Conversations cover a range of topics that you select from our list of 30 topics.

When is the next Hart to Harts?

What happens at Hart to Harts?

You’ll be seated at a table with 3 to 6 other people for an evening of meaningful conversations prompted by curated conversation cards. Here’s what a typical event looks like:

  • 6:45 – 6:55 pm Fill out your name tag & look through your deck of cards

  • 6:55 – 7:00 pm Welcoming from the host

  • 7:00 – 7:40 pm 1st Hart to Harts table conversation

  • 7:40 – 7:50 pm Break – use the bathroom or get another drink

  • 7:50 – 8:30 pm 2nd Hart to Harts table conversation

  • 8:30 – 8:45 pm Closing from the host

What do we talk about?

You curate the conversation at each event by picking questions from different topics. Here are some topics from our list of 36:

  • Philosophy, Morals & Ethics

  • Education

  • Food & Cooking

  • Happiness

  • Love, Relationships & Dating

  • Science & Technology

How are Hart to Harts not awkward?

Many people attending are open-minded, curious, and wanting to connect deeply with others. Hart to Harts facilitates an amazing experience that allows people to sit back & enjoy conversations that are connecting, deep and meaningful!

What is the social code of Hart to Harts?

  • Be vulnerable and speak from your heart

  • Listen to understand, not reply

  • Be authentic

  • Be curious and ask thoughtful questions

  • Stay present without distractions

  • Different thoughts, feelings and experiences are okay

Is this like a dating, networking, therapy thing?

Hart to Harts is not a therapy session, not a space for dating, and not a networking event.

What is the refund policy?

You can receive a full refund if you attend a Hart to Harts and you don’t like the event OR if someone at the event breaks the social code that ruins your experience.